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Position:Home>History> If History repeats itself?

Question:explain lighting. People say lightning never strikes in the same place twice. Also explain the ice age. Temperatures are rising not getting lower. I'm sure there are other examples.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: explain lighting. People say lightning never strikes in the same place twice. Also explain the ice age. Temperatures are rising not getting lower. I'm sure there are other examples.

They are completely different matters. You're comparing apples and bowling balls.

The idea that history repeats itself is one of human nature. The things that have happened in man's history continue to repeat themselves. The statement shows that, despite all of our technology and "learning," men don't change in their natures. They do the same things over again.
Sure things are different, but they follow the same pattern. Hitler tries to do the same attack into Russia and is beaten the same way. Rome takes over from Greece, which thought it had the greatest empire and took over from Persia, which thought it had the greatest empire, which took over from Babylon... and on and on it goes.

By the way, some would say there were multiple "ice ages." Also, 2007 was stated by all four of the major global temperature studies to have been the coldest in years on a global scale. Snow fell in record amounts and in places that it hasn't been seen in a lifetime.

Lightning does strick the same place. The Empire State Building gets struck over and over. There have been many ice ages. The world temperature has fluctuated a lot over the eons. In fact, there have been times that were warmer than what we have now.

The idea of history repeating itself is more about human actions than of natural actions. Empires rise and then fall. There will be wars. There will be dictators. There will be people trying to help others. There will be wonderful discoveries and there will be people having to survive disasters. There will be leaders that people love and there will be leaders that people hate. The general ideas repeat themselves in history over and over.

First of all, there are some partial facts mixed in with some factoids in your statement.

Lightning quite often strikes the same place twice. Just look at any time-exposure photo of a lightning storm by a tall building with a lightning rod and you will probably see several strikes on it.

As for the Ice Age, there have been several and there will probably be more. We are in a warming trend right now but the temperature increase in the last 500 years is quite insignificant to the large variations between the Ice Ages.

For the saying 'History repeats itself'; it is a general phrase that usually applies to human history and actions. Like King David and Bill Clinton both having problems with fidelity or Napoleon and Hitler both making the mistake of invading Russia.

Even in human history it has limitations. I wouldn't expect that in the future someone will be born with my name, marry a girl with the same name as my wife, and have children with the same names as mine, pick the same career, and answer the same questions.