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Position:Home>History> What things did Thomas Hutchinson do in the American Revolution?

Question:I have to do a project, BUT, I can't find any books and we aren't allowed to use the internet but I am kinda cheating because I am using Y! A.

SHHHHH, don't tell!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have to do a project, BUT, I can't find any books and we aren't allowed to use the internet but I am kinda cheating because I am using Y! A.

SHHHHH, don't tell!

Hutchinson, colonial governor of Massachusetts before Gen. Gage took over, ever loyal to the Crown, left his native Boston for exile in England. He was not directly involved in the war, spending the remainder of his days working on a monumental history of Massachusetts.

Recommended book: Bernard Bailyn, The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson (Cambridge, 1974)