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Position:Home>History> A few social questions.easy ten points :)?

Question:1. Metternich once obersved...when ______sneezes, Europe catches a cold. Is it,,,?
A) Britain B) Austria C) France D) Austria

2. As a result of the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 which two nations won their independence?
A) France and Prussia B) Belgium and Turkey C) Greece and Belgium D) B and C or E) None of the above

3. Which country throughout the 19th century maintained a policy of splendid isolation and entered European affairs only when the balance of power was threatended?
A) Italy B) Germany C) Britain D) Russia

4. After the Napoleonic wars the rulers of Europe united to...
A) Protect the people from unjust attack
B) oppose liberal ideas

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1. Metternich once obersved...when ______sneezes, Europe catches a cold. Is it,,,?
A) Britain B) Austria C) France D) Austria

2. As a result of the Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 which two nations won their independence?
A) France and Prussia B) Belgium and Turkey C) Greece and Belgium D) B and C or E) None of the above

3. Which country throughout the 19th century maintained a policy of splendid isolation and entered European affairs only when the balance of power was threatended?
A) Italy B) Germany C) Britain D) Russia

4. After the Napoleonic wars the rulers of Europe united to...
A) Protect the people from unjust attack
B) oppose liberal ideas

1. Klemens Von Metternich said: "When France has a cold, all Europe sneezes"

2. In March 1848, rioting began in Berlin, as the 1848 revolution fever crossed from Austria into Prussia.

The bourgeoisie and radical republicans from the lower classes quickly took to the streets of Paris in the July Revolution (1830), rioting and setting up barricades to stop the military and end traffic and commerce. Charles X quickly abdicated, and the bourgeois leaders of the rebellion moved quickly to install a constitutional monarchy.

3. Britain

4. In most European countries, the importation of the ideals of the French Revolution (democracy, due process in courts, abolition of privileges, etc.) left a mark. European monarchs found it difficult to restore pre-revolutionary absolutism. Your answer is to oppose liberal ideas,


you do know for question 1 that you have Austria listed twice - right?

1) c
2) None of the above
3) c
4) b