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Position:Home>History> History confusion, 10 points!?

The statements in the box describe
life in Iraq under Saddam Hussein

life in Afghanistan under the Taliban

life in Iran under the shah

life in most Muslim countries
The information in the box describes
Saddam Hussein

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Osama bin Laden

Ayatollah Khomeini

The United States and Great Britain led an invasion of Iraq in 2003. The government of the United States argued that the attack was justified because
Iraq had attacked the United States.

intelligence reports indicated that Iraq was stockpiling biological and other weapons of mass destruction.

The United States had followed a policy of pre-emptive, or first attack, warfare during the twentieth century.

Saddam Hussein had allied with and supported al-Qaeda

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The statements in the box describe
life in Iraq under Saddam Hussein

life in Afghanistan under the Taliban

life in Iran under the shah

life in most Muslim countries
The information in the box describes
Saddam Hussein

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi

Osama bin Laden

Ayatollah Khomeini

The United States and Great Britain led an invasion of Iraq in 2003. The government of the United States argued that the attack was justified because
Iraq had attacked the United States.

intelligence reports indicated that Iraq was stockpiling biological and other weapons of mass destruction.

The United States had followed a policy of pre-emptive, or first attack, warfare during the twentieth century.

Saddam Hussein had allied with and supported al-Qaeda

The first one is Afghanistan.

I'm not even gonna tell you the second one. It's sad that you don't know it.

The third one is another one you should know. Shame on you.