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Position:Home>History> What are events similar to the Japanese American internment camps?

Question:I already have the Holocaust, but are there more?
Please help! It's homework, Lol.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I already have the Holocaust, but are there more?
Please help! It's homework, Lol.

As you use the term "internment camps", you are referring to forced relocation and housing in an enclosed space ("internment"). The difference b/w "intrernment" and "concentration camp" is that the "concentration camps were not so much places where people were interned but places where hujman beings were systematically murdered. it is inapporpriate to consider "concentratin camp" and "nternment camp" as synonymous terms. .During the 1800's, it was commonplace for the American government to force native Tribes into "reservations"; for all intents and purposes, they were effectively "internment camps" in the sense you use that term; i.e. men, women and children were forcibly placed and kept in the camps that completely disregarded their cultural traditions and needs (just like Jap internment). American concentration of Indian tribes (the Cherokee for example) in internment zones preceded the Boer War by sixty years. That guy "Gavin" (above) is only marginally correct. Internment camps were used by the Boers, but were invented by Americans in the 1800's to control the native American tribes; for example, Geronimo and his band of warriors were relocated to Florida (he made a million bucks speculating in Florida Real estate by the way). Perhaps the most brutal forced "relocation" of an American population was the exodus of the Cherokee to Oklahoma - it is called the "Trail of Tears". Thousands of Cherokee starved and froze to death on the journey.

The Holocaust is not a good comparison. It's true that the Japanese were stripped of their property, but the camps were clean, the food was adequate, and they weren't turned into slave labor, or executed. They were simply imprisoned illegally. The British invented concentration camps in the Boer War in South Africa 1900-1902, and there too people were held against their wishes but not enslaved or executed.

In Burundi in East Africa, currently there are similar internment camps for the Hutus .The holocaust was the extermination of all Jews whereas Japanese internment was not for the purpose of killing all Japanese Americans~!