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Position:Home>History> (LDS Especially Help Please)What Were Some Important U.S. Events in Spencer W. K

Question:I just need to know some important events in the U.S. during the time Spencer W. Kimball was an apostle, or more preferredly, prophet. I wanna say 1973-1985 were the years he was prophet.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just need to know some important events in the U.S. during the time Spencer W. Kimball was an apostle, or more preferredly, prophet. I wanna say 1973-1985 were the years he was prophet.

1973 - Vietnam Peace Treaty. Troops and POWs return home.
- Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling over-turns state laws against abortion
- The celebrated Senate Watergate hearings, who's highlight is Fred Thompson's discovery of Nixon's secret tapes.
- Skylab, USA's first space station launched
- Vice President Spiro T. Agnew resigns in disgrace as part of a plea bargin
- Congressman Gerald R. Ford of Michigan becomes the first person to be appointed Vice President under the 25th Amendment to the constitution
- In a single day, President Nixon fires three Attorneys General over disposition of the secret tapes and the actions of the Special Prosecuter.

1974 - The House Judiciary Committee votes to impeach the President
- Richard Nixon resigns Presidency over Watergate
- Gerald R. Ford becomes President (by succession rather than election)
- Nelson A Rockefeller of New York becomes the second person to be appointed Vice President under the 25th Amendment to the constitution
- Ford Pardons Nixon

1975 - Fall of Saigon

1976 - U.S. presidential election, 1976

1977 - Jimmy Carter becomes President

1978 - Humphrey Hawkins Full Employment Act
- Camp David Accords (1978)

1979 - Three Mile Island nuclear accident
- Iran hostage crisis begins

1980 - Mount St. Helens eruption in Washington kills 57 (see 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens)
- U.S. boycotts Summer Olympics in Moscow to protest 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
- U.S. presidential election, 1980
- John Lennon Assassination

1981 - Ronald Reagan becomes President (Iran releases hostages)
- Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley
- Kemp-Roth Tax Cut

1983 - 241 U.S. Marines killed by suicide bomb in Lebanon
- United States invades Grenada

1984 - Most of Eastern Bloc boycotts Summer Olympics in Los Angeles
- U.S. presidential election, 1984 (Ronald Reagan is re-elected)