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Position:Home>History> Are you for warfare or against? What country are you from.?

Question:"It is the soldier above all others, who prays for peace, for it is the soldier who suffers the most"

(retired) general Douglass MacArthur

as a former 14 yr US soldier, and avid military ammature historian , I am facinated with mans wars, but believes peace and freedom often has a terrible cost. and there is never a good reason to go to war, ( no such thinga a good war or battle for that matter) just evrything else just does not work sometimes, it's a complete breakdown. there has always been wars, there has always been opposition to every war, and there will always be wars and opposition to wars, Man never changes, History. shows that to us every day.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "It is the soldier above all others, who prays for peace, for it is the soldier who suffers the most"

(retired) general Douglass MacArthur

as a former 14 yr US soldier, and avid military ammature historian , I am facinated with mans wars, but believes peace and freedom often has a terrible cost. and there is never a good reason to go to war, ( no such thinga a good war or battle for that matter) just evrything else just does not work sometimes, it's a complete breakdown. there has always been wars, there has always been opposition to every war, and there will always be wars and opposition to wars, Man never changes, History. shows that to us every day.

I would say for but so many other things influence the success of it. I'm from the USA

USA. I have contemplated this question a great deal. Since I am not a pacifist (I would fight like a pit bull for the people I love), I can't urge anyone else to be.
However, there is a huge difference between self defense (like our response to Pearl Harbor) and naked aggression (like our war with Mexico in 1846). Wars of naked aggression are nothing but evil.
It's also a matter of international law to wage war as humanely as possible. This means civilians and non-combatants are off limits. The use of poison gas was outlawed after WWI, and biological weapons are against international law, but not nuclear weapons. We need to take the lead here and make nuclear weapons against international law.

Whether or not I am "for it" - warfare will still happen.

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Against, however it can't always be avoided. It only takes one to start a fight. USA

I look back at WW2 and see what happened. Andy Rooney (60 Minutes) was a reporter for the Stars and Strips Newspaper during WW2. He landed in Normandy, and heard rumors of what was happening in some "camps". He went to Buchenwald to see for himself what was going on. He stated that when he arrived he was ashamed that he had considered refusing to serve in the Army. He stated "For the first time I knew that any peace is not better then any war"


I am from Russia, and I live in the United States. I am not for warfare, but I am not against it. I believe sometimes it is necessary, and sometimes it is pointless.

The wording of this question is funky. War is horrible. War destroys family, lives and property.War ends everything. People die horrible ways. War is very serious. That being said, war is going to be around and we westerners will be destroyed by people who live daily war and respect toughness. Americans have weak stomachs who now cower at the sight of blood. We Americans need to lace up our boots and start kicking *** and forget about world opinion. As it stands Americans are abunch of Lazy, McDonald's eating, Krispy Kream digesting fat azz's. who would rather play Xbox then to do something good for their country.
My thoughts on war- Dont go to war if you dont plan on winning. Thats why America will loose these wars and future wars is because we are too weak and cowardly to win.

Proud American who loves his country