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Position:Home>History> Napkin history?

Question:does somedoby know the history of the napkins? who invented them.. or when? im doing a presentation on folding napkins, and I need background information about it.. thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: does somedoby know the history of the napkins? who invented them.. or when? im doing a presentation on folding napkins, and I need background information about it.. thanks

The first napkin was a lump of dough the Spartans called 'apomagdalie', a mixture cut into small pieces and rolled and kneeded at the table, a custom that led to using sliced bread to wipe the hands.

I had to look this one up....I admit, I didn't know a thing about the history of napkins....I'm glad I found this! Thanks for asking a question that was so much fun to discover an answer to!


i invented napkins

Leonardo da Vinci invented napkins and fancy ways to fold them.

Yahoo Search "Napkins a Brief History" . Great article!