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Position:Home>History> How did the Holocaust impact society?

Question:I know that it killed 6 million Jews so dont say "I killed a lot of people"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know that it killed 6 million Jews so dont say "I killed a lot of people"

...well the holocaust did happen during the WWII....and it did kill the 6 million Jews.....but the Holocaust that didn'k kill, terrorized another thousands of people, opressed even more...people were forced to hide, to happened based on a conception that later was found to be hypocritical..and it helped on people's views about a really bad bad way

It made alot of people sad.

The 6 million jews that died, might their potential offspring 50 million jews were killed too, saving society

Before that time, believe it or not, Germany actually treated it's minorities better than many other countries. Many German Jews were middle class who owned shops, businesses, some were doctors, teachers, professors, etc. The Nuremburg laws forced these people out of their professions. Immediately, Germany lost the use of a large group of people with valuable skills which society as a whole needed. When they were forced out of business, many times their employees were out of work. Now you have an expanded group of unemployed.
Many others were also killed or imprisoned among them tradesmen, craftsmen, all of whom had valuable skills a society needs. There was no one to replace them. The intelligentsia was also another target. Some of the greatest thinkers and scientists were either killed or forced out of Germany. This was a great lose of knowledge that would in the long run cost Germany dearly.