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Position:Home>History> Who was the ruler of japan durring WWII?

Question:Who was the ruler of japan durring WWII? i need a solid answer. please list a source if u got 1. 10 points to the one wit da best answer!!! please help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Who was the ruler of japan durring WWII? i need a solid answer. please list a source if u got 1. 10 points to the one wit da best answer!!! please help

Emperor Hirohito was nominally the ruler of Japan during WWII, but it is commonly thought that General Hideki Tojo actually ruled with the emperor as a puppet. This is the interpretation put forward by the American occupiers led by General MacArthur, who kept Hirohito in power for years. However, more recent scholarship has somewhat revised this thesis, and it is thought now that Hirohito did exercise a great deal of control over Imperial Japan through intermediaries. He is thought to be a grasping opportunist who was neither belligerent nor a pacifist.

Emperor Hirohito.

emporer hirohito

Emperor Hirohito.