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Position:Home>History> What lies beneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem?

Question:Other than the secret tunnels discovered beneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, some say that the Ark of the Covenant might have possibly been hidden underneath as well. Does anyone agree with this theory. I mean it makes sense, Solomon probably created some kind of lowering device for the Ark in case anything happened. Ever since the Babylonians raided the first Temple, the Ark dissapeared from history. Of course others say it rests in Ethiopia, but personally I think I'd rather stick with the Temple Mount as being the location of the Ark. Let me know your thoughts.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Other than the secret tunnels discovered beneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, some say that the Ark of the Covenant might have possibly been hidden underneath as well. Does anyone agree with this theory. I mean it makes sense, Solomon probably created some kind of lowering device for the Ark in case anything happened. Ever since the Babylonians raided the first Temple, the Ark dissapeared from history. Of course others say it rests in Ethiopia, but personally I think I'd rather stick with the Temple Mount as being the location of the Ark. Let me know your thoughts.

There is no concrete proof that the ark is under the temple mt. This is all speculation. We do know that the Babylonians carried everything off to Babylon in the 6th Century BC. Where it went from there is anybody's guess.

Redirect the question to Ethiopia theory. What is the proof?

I can almost guarantee you that it's not the Ark. If they were going to do anything with the Ark, they'd have left with it. Everyone would have been looking for it. The only sure way to keep it from being found is to smuggle it out.

My personal theory is that what's left of it is in Ethiopia. There is an Ethiopian tribe that's descended - provable via DNA - from the tribe of Levi, the tribe of Jewish priests. Solomon had ties with Sheba, the Queen of Ethiopia. They claim to have the ark there.

the ark is in Ethiopia, believe it or not.

Under the temple mount is proof that the Israelites common complexion was of dark brown complexion and the people closely related to the remains underneath the temple mount are those who went threw the middle passages during the Atlantic slave trade. Biological evidence contradicts history all the time there can be no material dispute to who are children of Israel vs. Judeans. The people who call themselves Jews today of Europe are Judeans they lived in the area of Judea and amongst the Children of Israel but they are not biologically of the Children of Israel.