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Position:Home>History> Does history repeat its self?

Question:If so, give examples

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If so, give examples

Yes, it appears it does I believe this to be true even if not exactly the same. Hitler and the Holocaust, Stalin's pogroms, the Inquisition, the Crusades, wars are constantly arising and no peace in sight, I'm sure there are many, many more and the reason behind these occurrences is due to the fact that few people really examine history and apply its lessons to their own world (country, ideology, and prejudices). Those who fail to study or learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Winston Churchill, 1874-1975.


Not really but quite often similar situations occur with similar outcomes.

In some ways, yes. It repeats itself with small variables different from the original event

nice easy example.
humans, we all make the same mistakes twice.
we walk into the same pole twice, we trip up the same flight of stairs twice.etc