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Position:Home>History> What was history's greatest empire?

Question:I would say either the roman or the greek empire. They both ruled for a very long time and had very well constructed society.

I supose I should also add the British Empire to the list because of how large it was and it was the first country to become industrialized which influenced other countries to follow suit.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would say either the roman or the greek empire. They both ruled for a very long time and had very well constructed society.

I supose I should also add the British Empire to the list because of how large it was and it was the first country to become industrialized which influenced other countries to follow suit.

Classical the predictable Roman, neo-classically the Aztec.


you gotta hand it to the romans..they didnt do it first, but they did it the best

Ancient Macedonia. My Macedonia.

It is said that:

" The Sun never sets on the British Empire." However the barbaric royalty, so-called nobles and ruthless military leaders
lost it all through greed and bungles, like the Crimean and Turkish wars for example. British ruling class pomposity and arrogance
was a sure recipe for empirical dissaster and that's exactly what they deservedly got.!

British Empire - the most extensive in the world

Depends in what?
Roman empire was very strong, if some one not pay taxes,they made him slave or killed, also many congruent people worked on roman buildings for nothing.
We still have big influence on world by British Empire, big beautiful civilizations are destroyed.
American Empire is on way, and history will tell us if mankind survive.
Macedonian empire was good because Alexander the Great respected foringers cultures, including Greek, Persian, many.