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Position:Home>History> What was the name of the female pirate who dressed as a male, Mary something?? P

Question:She got away with it, no one on the ship realised she was a woman

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: She got away with it, no one on the ship realised she was a woman

Mary Read was one of the two famous female pirates in history, along with Anne Bonny.
Both worked with a pirate named "Calico Jack" Rackham.

Mary was born in London, England and spent most her life dressed up as a man.
Even her mother dressed her up as a boy.
Mary was travelling on a ship when it was captured by John Rackham ("Calico Jack") and she became a member of his crew as a pirate.

Mary loved her life as a pirate on the ship called Revenge until it was captured in 1720.
Mary, Anne Bonny and "Calico Jack" were all sentenced to a trial.
While Mary was in prison she died of a fever.
Anne disappeared from prison. It is believed that her father "bought" her freedom.
"Calico Jack" Rackham was hanged at Gallows Point, Port Royal, Jamaica.

Mary Read. I am attaching a link here.