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Position:Home>History> What are the benefits of studying history?

Question:what we will get after knowing that ,that was the king that war was fought,that war was fought,that was king 2000 years ago,we have to look at present,it is world of science and commorce,study of history seem to be useless,if it is that tell me its benefits?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what we will get after knowing that ,that was the king that war was fought,that war was fought,that was king 2000 years ago,we have to look at present,it is world of science and commorce,study of history seem to be useless,if it is that tell me its benefits?

through history we learn that how we do sex in past,how past kings **** there queens.
haa haa

so you don't have to repeat it.

The mistakes of history are made by people, and we are still people still ,making the same as in the past. We can change that circle by studying why it didn't work for our ancestors.

Hopefully we learn from our mistakes and we study
History to ensure that it does not repeat itself in bad times.

It's very true that you want to know history so that you don't repeat the mistakes. But, just as importantly, you can more easily understand how things got to be the way they are. Here are a few examples:

1- If the Republican Party was founded on an anti-slavery platform and the amendment that outlawed slavery was passed through a Republican congress, why do most Blacks seem to vote Democratic in Presidential elections?

2- How can a war in a small Southeast Asian country (Viet Nam) still cause such an emotional response in the US almost 35 years later?

3- Why is it that after almost twenty after the fall of Communism, the Russian government is still suspicious of the West, just like the Communists and the Tsars were?

If you don't study History, you will take the side of whatever sounds good at the time or you would have a clue as to why things are happening. Science and commerce are important but if you do not know the background of current problems and what has been done in the past to solve them, you are making a lot of work for yourself.