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Position:Home>History> How successful was Japan's attack on China? What did Japan hope to gain?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: History

Japan had two objectives for its expansion:
1. To beceome the sole colonial power in Asia, an "Asia for the Asians", the best of which were the Japanese.
2. Access to the natural resources required for an industrial economy, most all of which Japan lacked. One aspect of this acquistion was living room for its population; it had planned to have about 1/4 of its pre-war population living abroad across Asia.

Japan occupied all of China that it wished to control; the Chinese governments (Nationalists and Communists alike) were more interested in fighting each other, and waiting for the Japan's defeat so that one could win control of all of China.

Japan's control extended from Russia south to Hong Kong, along all major rivers, harbors, and ports, and inland to reach almost all major population centers.

Japan has a very small land mass with a very large population and limited natural resources. In their attack on china and even Pearl Harbor they were trying to gain land and resources.