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Position:Home>History> Savagery of human nature in time?

Question:i'm looking for some examples of savagery within human history..

(to compare with lord of the flies, so maybe something to do with the youth?)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i'm looking for some examples of savagery within human history..

(to compare with lord of the flies, so maybe something to do with the youth?)

You should try being a little more specific. Human history is full of "savagery".

My favorite example is Easter Island. The leaders of these people basically had a contest to see who could build the biggest monument. So, they tore down all their trees to move large stone all over the place. They eventually stripped the island of trees, this led to massive erosion and infertile soil. Native animals died out and crops were tough to grow. So, ultimately, they resorted to eating each other.

Slavery in America's south is another example.

Hitler's genocide.

King Henry VIII killing his wives for not giving him a son.

oh man

i just finished that book last sem.

it was horrendous!!!

kids in history that had gone wild? hm.... couldn't find any... sorry.......

wait... they say King Arthur killed a lion when he was young, don't remember
and in 300 (i know it's fake), Leonidas was fighting wolves when he wa slike 10

sorry couldn't help much

Read about Rome and what they tough of as sport in the Colosseum.