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Position:Home>History> How many people love history????

Question:Me. I find it fascinating.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Me. I find it fascinating.

its nice

The Harrappan society and the rise of the Mesopotamians
The Qin Dynasty
The Greeks through to the Roman Empire (Including Cyrus and Alexander the Great of the Achamenid Empire)
Ashoka and his Maurya Empire in India
The Rise of the Islamic Empires (Abbasid and Ummayad)
Rise of the Turkish-Islamic Empires (Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal)
Colonizers (the British Empire through to WWII)
The Cold War (USSR vs. US)
The Current US Hyperpower plus the coming of China, EU, and India as contesting superpowers....

I love history, you can learn so much from it in any area. I'm currently taking AP World which is possibly my best subject.

i think it is very intresting and rite now we r studying like civil war, world war ect. i love it
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more people then realize that they do, if you have been interested in the past, or whats going on in the world today, your interested in history?

are you interested in the bible thats history!!!

I don't. I'm studying world history in the early modern period at the moment, and while it is sometimes interesting, it is also very very dull.

I went to school to be a history teacher. Plus I think you can learn a lot from history. "History is doomed to repeat itself."

history is one of my favorite pastimes and one of my hobbies among others.

i do. i never would have expected to become a history buff, but i developed a passion for it after taking AP US history as a sophomore

me. i find it interesting.

if you cant learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it.

love is an understatement

I really enjoy it. I find it fascinating and exciting to learn.

I do, I even have a degree in it.

I do love long as I can see the sights , rather than read abunch of text books..sometimes they are very always nice to tour and see sights of history, and read about it that way...Kool Question!!, tc/ God Bless you;)

It's fascinating, partly because it keeps changing. Every time we think we know everything,someone discovers some new artifacts or some new evidence and changes our grasp of the past.

I wouldn't have spent $100,000 getting a degree in history if I didn't love it.

I do. It's really interesting.

I love history becuz it helps you understand what is going on
in today's society.

depends on what time period. I love ancient agean, anatolian, and mesopotamian history, but modern and u.s. history bore me to tears.