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Position:Home>History> History seems like it all is a build-up to us, America. What is your opinion?

Question:I'm a junior in high school and obviously were about done with our year, I've taken world history all year, we have an amazing teacher, easily the best teacher i've ever had. In his class we've learned about ancient rome, greece, the different major religions, european exploration, slavery around the world, and such. All of the major events, battles and even people seem to all be building up to democracy, freedom and all our rights and advantages we have in america. Even Alexander the Great and his bringing together many diverse cultures, knowledge of how to conduct yourself seem to be present here in US today. Ancient Greece and all their wars, democracy and freedom always won in the end, the peloponnesian war the spartans were defeated and that lead to the freeing of the helots (their slaves basically). Doesn't this seem to be true?, if not what is your opinion?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm a junior in high school and obviously were about done with our year, I've taken world history all year, we have an amazing teacher, easily the best teacher i've ever had. In his class we've learned about ancient rome, greece, the different major religions, european exploration, slavery around the world, and such. All of the major events, battles and even people seem to all be building up to democracy, freedom and all our rights and advantages we have in america. Even Alexander the Great and his bringing together many diverse cultures, knowledge of how to conduct yourself seem to be present here in US today. Ancient Greece and all their wars, democracy and freedom always won in the end, the peloponnesian war the spartans were defeated and that lead to the freeing of the helots (their slaves basically). Doesn't this seem to be true?, if not what is your opinion?

To date, America does seem like the epitome of democracy for several reasons. Our elections are relatively free and inclusive of many people. Our population has a diverse ethnic mix, yet for all the problems the country has faced in the past--the slavery issue being paramount--the country does tend to work out its problems. Other countries merely try to suppress minorities: look at the Tibet situation in China, and particularly look at the fact that the Han Chinese virtually all believe that the Tibetans SHOULD be squelched. The Han are patriotic and nationalistic, but they are not freedom loving and democratic.

Economically you can't deny the success of the US, and it has had a sound economy since the Revolution.

Speaking of which, the French too had their Revolution which began full of high ideals--but their Revolution ended in the Terror and other tragedies. For the US, our former ideals are our present ideals.

Some would say that we are heavy-handed in the world. They cite Iraq. But what will the Iraqis say in twenty years? My guess is they will be thankful, as are the current Europeans whom the US helped defend in World War II. When you think of how many democracies in the world have the US to thank. Even Russia today owes its quasi democracy to the US primarily--it was Reagan along with Thatcher and Gorbachew and Pope John Paul II that put Eastern Europe and Russia on freedom's map.

I'm not sure world history point to the US as its final goal. History does march on. Too many students on this website are lazy and want someone to do their work for them. What may end American freedom is the skateboard, the I-phone, and the attitude of indifference. My greatest fear is the kids who don't know who Abraham Lincoln was and who Adolf Hilter was.

Ignorance is our enemy, and the lack of appreciation for who we are and why we are what we are.

I read most, but not all of the additional details. While I see where you are coming from and am less appalled now after reading your question, I still believe that belief is incredibly arrogant. America is a grain of sand in an hour glass.

The builders of the US probably learned from history and picked the best together to form a state (well ending slavery came a bit later) and they did a very good job with the constitution the state is based on.

The fall backs into bad times should not be forgotten - the witch hunt of Mc Carthy for example or lying to the world in the UN council about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq - there are a lot of countries that achieved what you mentioned without the fall backs (they might have others)

just my 2ct

May I sell you the Sydney Opera House - good deal, special price for you and your class only? Your teacher can draw up the contract! Propaganda is alive and well in the US!

Be cautious when reality and lessons are at odds, in opposition, the adverse. For every diction there is a contradiction.

"Remember Pearl Harbor."
"Operation Iraqi Freedom."
Look at the facts of those two above.

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
--Abraham Lincoln [1838- age 28]

If you are spoon fed, query the substance. Historical presentations can be called "selective invention." And, the problems with answers there-in are that they are more than not, "inventively selective."
