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Position:Home>History> What exactly happened at Fords theater?

Question:Who was involved?
What were their thoughts?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Who was involved?
What were their thoughts?

John Wilkes Booth, who was an actor intimately familiar with the layout of Ford's theater, simply stepped into the unlocked presidential box, put a derringer to Abraham Lincoln's head, and fired a bullet into his brain. There was no secret service protection then. It was embarrassingly simple.

Booth was striking a blow for the South despite knowing that the cause was already lost. It was a matter of misplaced honor - - and stupidity. The South suffered a much harsher reconstruction period due to the assassination of a beloved president.

On April 14, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth around 10:15pm at a time where some would consider it as part of the play . Lincoln was thought as an emancipator to some and a tyrant to others. In Booth's eyes when African-Americans received the right to vote Booth and his conspirators felt that Lincoln went over the edge and it was time for him to go.