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Position:Home>History> During what time frame was the speech, "Great Society" by Lyndon B. Jo

Question:What was the audience like and what was going on for this speech to occur in the first place?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What was the audience like and what was going on for this speech to occur in the first place?

In 1963, Lyndon Johnson inherited the presidency after John F. Kennedy's death in Dallas. Johnson immediately began pushing reforms to end discrimination and poverty. In the next year he would define his policies as "The Great Society." He hoped to increase national efforts to reduce poverty, improve education and prevent war.

He summed up his hopes for the future in the following speech at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society Speech
May 1964

JFK had been assassinated and Johnson was VP so he took over the Presidency. This was November 1963 and the war in Vietnam was going on full force. He gave this speech at the graduation of the University of Michigan in May of 1964.

Around 1964-1965 Civil Rights legislation was going on and part of the Great Society was Civil Rights legislation and basic voting rights for all people