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Position:Home>History> Did the Corsetts from 1700's-1900's brake the ladies ribbs?

Question:look at this pictureee!!

and in some movies, they faint and stuff. I'm so curiouss...
and do you think they were uncomfortable the 1900 clothes..?! or way backk..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: look at this pictureee!!

and in some movies, they faint and stuff. I'm so curiouss...
and do you think they were uncomfortable the 1900 clothes..?! or way backk..

You would think so, but surprisingly it didn't. They would cause some trouble breathing, tho and could faint. However, if they pulled it too tight, it would lead to a rib fracture.

Glad to help,

Claire E

i seriously doubt that corsetts broke womens' ribs. The ribs are incredibly flexible, it takes alot to just crack one. Tightening them with a corsett propbably would not do that sort of damage.

If it did, i'm sure they would have been alot less popular.

But don't rely too much on movies for historical accuracy.

But no doubt they were extremely uncomfortable, anyone would agree with that - every time you go into public youd have to wear that thing, it must have been pretty hard to breathe.

Yew **** spel kan u? Link didn't work either...

They didn't break your ribs. However, they did cause breathing problems, hence the fainting. Also, if you pulled it too tight, you could fracture your ribs--and rib deformities were very common, since girls started wearing corsets at a very young age.

You may wish to revise your question, the link you include can not be made. The word is corset and no, they did not break the lady's ribs, in fact the young lady's upright posture then, was very much better than that of most young women today.

The clothes of last century were certainly less comfortable than those of today, but that has more to do with the materials available for making clothes, and the substances used in laundering clothes, than anything else.


18th century corsets are actually very comfortable if they fit reasonably well. I have worn replica versions and found them actually MORE comfortable than modern underwear - I have a long back and easily get backache if i have to stand around for long spell, but not in an 18th century corset! They are good for hard physical work too - they help take the strain of heavy lifting etc., and make you adopt a good posture.

I have worn replica 19th-century corsets too, and although not quite so supoportive they are still perfectly comfortable if they fit and you don't pull them absurdly tight. (In any culture being a fashion victim is uncomfortable and even dangerous. In 2008 women who want to be really slim starve themselves and take dangerous slimming pills - is that any worse than hauling on corset-laces, do you think?)

It;s easy to look at strange clothes from another era or culture and say "Oooh, that must have been so uncomfortable", but that's just ignorant prejudice, and often wrong.

Break!!!!! not break. And some of the corsets were laced so tightly that ribs were broken. What caused the fainting and whatnot was that the corsets were laced so tightly that they literally could not breathe. Try strapping something tightly around your chest and then taking a deep breath. It doesn't work very well. Of course ladies were uncomfortable in their 1900s clothing.It wasn't designed for comfort. The interesting thing is that if you look at what the servants wore, it was completely different. Their clothing WAS designed to allow them to move efficiently and to work hard.
If you look at some of the fashions today, especially in the field of shoes, they aren't designed for comfort either. I'd hate to have to walk a mile in some of the shoes that designers have come up with.........

Women used to have their last 2 ribs (floating ribs) removed so they could wear a tighter corset.