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Position:Home>History> Did england have the most monarch drama? btw i know all monarchs frum all countr

Question:If you want to talk about "drama," talk about the Russian monarchy. Fathers killing sons, sons killing fathers, wives killing husbands, and pretenders constantly trying to gain the thrown.

One of the most well known Tsars was Ivan IV, Ivan the Terrible, who beat his son, and heir, to death.
Catherine II or Catherine the Great, who was German, killed her husand Petter III to get to the thrown.
There were 9 year old boys killed by "shaving accidents" and then people took on the identity of the dead boys to attack Russia.
One of the suggested reasons that Russia became a Christian state was because Vladimer I, in 989 I believe, chose Christianity or Islam because he didn't think Russians would be willing to give up vodka.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you want to talk about "drama," talk about the Russian monarchy. Fathers killing sons, sons killing fathers, wives killing husbands, and pretenders constantly trying to gain the thrown.

One of the most well known Tsars was Ivan IV, Ivan the Terrible, who beat his son, and heir, to death.
Catherine II or Catherine the Great, who was German, killed her husand Petter III to get to the thrown.
There were 9 year old boys killed by "shaving accidents" and then people took on the identity of the dead boys to attack Russia.
One of the suggested reasons that Russia became a Christian state was because Vladimer I, in 989 I believe, chose Christianity or Islam because he didn't think Russians would be willing to give up vodka.


What do you mean by drama??

Rethink and then rephrase your question, Please.

No - they've all had their share. We just happen to hear more about the British monarchy because we happen to speak English.

There has been a lot of drama in England's history . Much of it revolved around the religious turmoil the country went through .

The English have had a stable monarcy since the Glorious Revolution in 1688. In the late fifteenth century the Houses of Lancaster and York fought the War of the Roses for control of the throne. In the mid-seventeenth century Parliament executed Charles I. The monarchy was restored with Charles II, followed by James II. James was disliked because he was Catholic, so his Protestant daughter, Mary, and her Dutch husband William invaded and removed him from the throne in 1688.