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Position:Home>History> What do you remember about the assassination of M.L.K.?

Question:I remember listening to the "Promised Land" speech the night before, to the repeated phrase "If I should die tomorrow..." and saying "He's going to be killed, and whoever prepared that speech knows it." It was still a shock the next day when he was killed. On my way home from work, many people were driving slow with their headlights on, much as people did the day J.F.K. was killed. What are your memories?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I remember listening to the "Promised Land" speech the night before, to the repeated phrase "If I should die tomorrow..." and saying "He's going to be killed, and whoever prepared that speech knows it." It was still a shock the next day when he was killed. On my way home from work, many people were driving slow with their headlights on, much as people did the day J.F.K. was killed. What are your memories?

Much the same as yours. It was as if he truly expected to be killed - if not tomorrow, then someday soon. And feeling saddened when his prediction came true. It was such a violent period in history and assassination is such a heinous and cowardly crime.

None, I wasn't born until '84.

IDK but i heard it was very sad

i wasnt born yet....

I was in a grocery store and was suddenly seized with the feeling of fear. I thought the world had gone mad for sure.

hello. I was 'little' then (9 yrs old) but the reaction I saw with my parents I knew something Majorly Bad had occurred.

I was shocked and sick. I just wanted to run away. I was ashamed of my country, and of the horrible remarks people made. (some were very, very racists and just made you ill)
I wanted to shake those people and scream at them.
And I was afraid. Had reason to be. Even back then we knew the FBI was after King. Very disillusioning, it felt like something grand had ended and something frightening had begun.