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Position:Home>History> Best and Worst inventions?

Question:so i got this project thing about best and worst inventions. worst meaning most useless. plz help out!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: so i got this project thing about best and worst inventions. worst meaning most useless. plz help out!

worst inventions:

Plastic forks !!! (useless things)

Fly swatters ! (How stupid !!! smear the squished carcase of a fly that just came in from poop or some animal carcase, this squished bug smeared all over your kitchen counters???)

Air Conditioners (in most cases, people really don't NEED it; what ? Humans can't survive at any temperatures higher than 21 C ???)

Aspartame (kills nerve tissue, brain damage, promotes obeisity)

Genetically Modified Organism foods

Best Inventions:

the wheel, medicine penicilin etc, engines, internet, cellular phones

Worst - Umbrellas to hang on the side of glasses. I mean C'mon.. the person who created them is a multi millionaire for no reason, really..

Best - Probably the internet or phone. Maybe light bulb.

Best: yo mama. Worst: yo mama's baby.

Hmmm.... well, there is a use for it, but to me, the atomic bomb is the WORST invention to have ever come about.

some good inventions-
fly swatters
body soap
ice makers
slip and slides
crock pots

Best: The printing press.
Worst: The atomic bomb

the computers and internet are the best. you can learn alot

Thomas Midgley Jr decided to stop the knocking in internal combustion engines, so he added lead to fuel, the same man then went on to improve the refrigerator by adding CFCs to the coolant –?the best attempt at destroying the environment by one man.
He then suffered polio and designed a harness to help his mobility, he made a mistake one morning, the harness twisted and strangled him.