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Position:Home>History> What did people call their grandparents, aunts, uncles back in the 1940s (during

Question:like they called their mom and dad "mama" and papa" but i don't know what they called their relatives

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: like they called their mom and dad "mama" and papa" but i don't know what they called their relatives

my grandmother--who grew up in the 30s--says she called them Grandma, Grandpa (or grandfather when she talks about them instead of to them), Aunt or Uncle ______. That tends to be a family thing, how people were called.

And yes, the Depression was earlier than the 1940s.

grandparents were dead, so they called them dead, and aunts and uncles were called money grubbing no good leeches

The Great Depression was not in the 1940s.

same things we do now. For God's sake, you are acting like it was back in the Jurassic period. it wasn't that long ago.