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Position:Home>History> What historical figure would most benefit from Machiavelli's The Prince?

Question:What historical figures from the classical world and the Middle Ages would have benefited from Machiavelli's advice that it was better to be feared than loved?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What historical figures from the classical world and the Middle Ages would have benefited from Machiavelli's advice that it was better to be feared than loved?

It was written for Caesar Borgia, and applied to Henry VIII, and his ministers, Wolsey and Cromwell. Catherine de Medici seemed to espouse the principles. So did Richard III. Henry VII was also a bit Machiavellian. Henry VI could have benefited from a little more fear and a bit less love.

Mary queen of Scots, she was known be to very innocent (nieve) and lost her life to Elizabeth the first.