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Question:in what specific ways is n.korea like the soviet union in the 1950's or germany in the 1930's
what are the differences and similarites

Ive been really interested in North Korea for a couple of weeks and my professor and I were dicussing it and she asked me these questions, I wasnt sure how to answer her.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in what specific ways is n.korea like the soviet union in the 1950's or germany in the 1930's
what are the differences and similarites

Ive been really interested in North Korea for a couple of weeks and my professor and I were dicussing it and she asked me these questions, I wasnt sure how to answer her.

well, in specific's kim il sung was a communist like joseph stalin who helped in september 1948 to establish the korean democratic people's republic, in the north, and the return of the inmum gun, or the peoples army. the capital is at pyongyang. kim il sung ruled with a vicious iron fist, and drove his country to produce whatever was needed to invade and reunite korea. having reaced a fragile soviet acceptance to invade the south, stalin shipped wht arms he could to him, along with soviet advisers, and sopviet airmen to fly and train the north in the mig-17.
as far a germany goes, thats another thing, on one hand you have the oriental and on the other the aryian. where kim il sung wanted to reunite korea, a small country, hitler wanted russia(for german expansion) and whatever else fell his way.
korea is a very interesting read and study, and none more so then the time line of july 1950-july 1953. i hope this helps some.

Well, its a Communist state. 1 party, 1 leader. No elections
Any political activity against the government is ruthlessly crushed. There is a huge military. All media is state controlled. One Big difference is Hitler unified the old German speaking nations while Kim has divided Korea.

well north Korea isn't really a communist state. it is a dictatorship. communism means the government is run by the people so there would be no dictator. no global form of true communism has every really existed. only small communes back in the 60's in America and those eventually fell apart.

true communism is when all members of the community share everything and do all the work equally. a true form would have no form of money as there would be no need for any.

the reason that Marxism (communism) fell apart in the soviet union is because corrupt leaders took advantage of the government for themselves and ,overall, the country was to big.

communism only works in small communities. not on a global scale.

Im me if you want more information.