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Position:Home>History> What historical mystery do you find most intriguing?

Question:Joan of Arc. Ok, everybody knows the story of how she was burned at the stake, it's history I grew up with. But about a decade ago I checked out a book from the library that was all about historic mysteries and one was whether or not Joan of Arc actually died the way we're taught. Supposedly there was a woman a few years later claiming to be Joan of Arc. Now of course someone could make such a claim whether it's true or not. But the book pointed out some intresting items to suggest this woman might actually have been telling the truth. First, men who fought under Joan of Arc and knew her well identified this woman as being the Maid of Orleans upon meeting her for the first time. Second, at least one of Joan's brothers met her and identified her as his sister from things only Joan would know. And third, the French king is supposed to have done the same thing he'd done when he first met Joan years ago to test her with this woman. That is, according to the stories I'd always heard, as the Dauphin he'd had a double meet Joan while hiding somewhere to watch her interaction with his double. Joan had instead ignored the double and walked right up to the Dauphin as if she'd known him all her life. Well, King Charles did the same thing with this woman, and she did exactly the same thing Joan had done when the King had been the Dauphin.

I know there are folks today as there were then that say it was just an imposter, but it gives me pause to wonder. Was this woman really an imposter, or did Joan of Arc survive what was supposed to have been her day of execution?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Joan of Arc. Ok, everybody knows the story of how she was burned at the stake, it's history I grew up with. But about a decade ago I checked out a book from the library that was all about historic mysteries and one was whether or not Joan of Arc actually died the way we're taught. Supposedly there was a woman a few years later claiming to be Joan of Arc. Now of course someone could make such a claim whether it's true or not. But the book pointed out some intresting items to suggest this woman might actually have been telling the truth. First, men who fought under Joan of Arc and knew her well identified this woman as being the Maid of Orleans upon meeting her for the first time. Second, at least one of Joan's brothers met her and identified her as his sister from things only Joan would know. And third, the French king is supposed to have done the same thing he'd done when he first met Joan years ago to test her with this woman. That is, according to the stories I'd always heard, as the Dauphin he'd had a double meet Joan while hiding somewhere to watch her interaction with his double. Joan had instead ignored the double and walked right up to the Dauphin as if she'd known him all her life. Well, King Charles did the same thing with this woman, and she did exactly the same thing Joan had done when the King had been the Dauphin.

I know there are folks today as there were then that say it was just an imposter, but it gives me pause to wonder. Was this woman really an imposter, or did Joan of Arc survive what was supposed to have been her day of execution?

Easter Island.

What really happened at Roswell.

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The disappearance of the crew of the Mary Celeste. Try to research that and I assure you it is most intriguing. Although it happened a long time ago, not even experts today can tell for sure what happened during her voyage.

Atlantic city ^^


Coral Castle in Florida, the mystery of how one frail man of about a 100lbs was able to move and precisely carve tons of large stones, some suggest his secret was he figured how to levitate objects, the same way the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.

Who was Jack the Ripper?

One of the things that intrigues me the most is the mystery surrounding the russian princess anastasia. that and lyndbergs baby being kidnapped. What happened to them? Did they live out their lives not knowing how famous and sought for they were?

What happened to the inhabitants of the Easter Island? How did their civilization decline? How did they move the giant moais? What is the purpose of the moais?

What Stonehenge and other similar stone circles and standing stones were really for.

Oak Island off the Coast of Maryland. The mystery of the treasure or who put it there and, why they can't get at it.