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How did the immigrants who came to the United States between 1820 and 1860 change the character of the country?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Heres another one...

How did the immigrants who came to the United States between 1820 and 1860 change the character of the country?

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There was no free welfare to support them, they had to learn English and work or die! (Unlike today!)

Cargo and material was often transferred by boat using rivers. Many towns that are today's cities were established (in particular the East Coast) where waterfalls and rapids required boats to be carried or forded to the other side of the waterfalls. Sometimes passengers and cargo were transferred to boats on the other side of the waterfall line. This area became small towns, then bigger towns then cities.

In the U.S. water power was often used to run the mills and factories. The more work to do the more need for workers to do that work. Many of the workers came from foreign countries. These workers prospered and many of their offspring and their offspring's families are today's Americans!

America was slowly changing from where small shops with skilled craftsmen could only make a few things to large factories which could build or create many things faster and and faster! Many labor positions were filled by immigrants.