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Position:Home>History> Is it true that MLK was a socialist?

Question:I don't know if he was a Socialist, but I did see the photos of him at the training camp in North Carolina. They floated around for years.

This was a camp owned and run by the American Communist party.

Never did anyone ever denounce the pictures, so I guess it is safe to assume that he wasn't ashamed of his affiliation with them.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't know if he was a Socialist, but I did see the photos of him at the training camp in North Carolina. They floated around for years.

This was a camp owned and run by the American Communist party.

Never did anyone ever denounce the pictures, so I guess it is safe to assume that he wasn't ashamed of his affiliation with them.

I think that was pretty low on his list of social conditions he was fighting for.


History has him as a member of the communists party.
Before someone gets in an uproar, think about this-If we had a communists form of government , would we be in any worse shape then we are right now- just food for thought. I'm not advocating a communist form of government, I just thought it would be a thought provoking question.

This may give some background on King's views:

The answer depends on the definitions you are using.