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Position:Home>History> Very often people underestimate Haitians living in the U.S. and treat us like cr

Question:Does anyone know who Jean Baptiste Point Du Sable was?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone know who Jean Baptiste Point Du Sable was?

What is brown and - - - - ?
But yes you are correct it is sad how little Americans know about their own history but thank you for sharing a great web site which is now bookmarked for eternity.

One of the great unspoken tragedies in American History was the treatment of Blacks from Haiti and Santa Domingo. Inspired by the American Revolution Haiti rebelled throwing off the yoke of France and yet Americans in 1800 were more supportive of French Monarchists then they were of Black Democratic-Republicans and shunned them, hindered their efforts at obtaining freedom, openly supporting the French opressors over the freedom fighters. Such is the twisted legacy of the American Revolution.

Peace.. ... ../ o o p p o o p p o o

There are several reasons - none of them very good.

1. Racial Prejudice: Haiti is an overwhelmingly black nation. Many whites, Hispanics and Asians dislike or distrust black people.

2. Economic Prejudice: A large number of recent immigrants from Haiti arrived with very little money and few job skills of use to them in the American economy. Many Americans look down on people who are poor or unemployed.

Linguistic Prejudice: Most Haitians speak French and variations of French, while most Americans do not, and many who speak English do so with an accent which is difficult for many Americans to comprehend. Many Americans do not wish to take the trouble to understand someone whose speech is strange to them.