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Position:Home>History> If the Civil war took place today? North vs. South- who would win?

Question:If the civil war took place today, same setup north vs south who do you think would win? ex. In the north there is new york (bronx) they have lots of guns and stuff..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If the civil war took place today, same setup north vs south who do you think would win? ex. In the north there is new york (bronx) they have lots of guns and stuff..

The resources and manufacturing capability of the north has never been matched by the south. The north would win for the same reasons.

If the south had been successful the first time around, they would be a third world country.

What, it would all depend on where the north/south line went to the west. With California and everything west going north, the south wouldn't stand a chance. If the south just seceded from the union and had to be attacked like the original civil war then it's a toss up bloodbath. Everyone's the loser!