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Position:Home>History> Why was Thomas Jackson called "Stonewall" Jackson?

Question:I just want to the about his NICKNAME not his biography.


he was a confederate general in the Civil War

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just want to the about his NICKNAME not his biography.


he was a confederate general in the Civil War

Because at the first Battle of Bull Run, he kept his men together in the face of a Union attack and someone is alleged to have commented "Look at Jackson standing like a stone wall."

because he used to get stoned a lot

I get Thomas Jackson mixed up with Andrew Jackson who defected the English at New Orleans and become pres He is our $ 20 bill and called ''old hickory'' {hard wood] were as Thomas was call ''stonewall'' in the civil war Andrew sent some of the America Indians out west for siding with the English in the war of 1812 ''trail of tears'' However he had two Indian step children,Both were hard and meaner than a junk yard dog

At the Battle of Manasses he was promoted Brigadier General. He aquired the nickname because someone said"Look there stands Jackson like a Stonewall".
Gary Dominicus