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Position:Home>History> Why was Thomas Jackson's nickname STONEWALL?

Question:He was a confederate general during Civil War

I just don't know why his nickname was Stonewall. That's all i need to know about but i need to do a 2 page project on it???
Maybe i can say how he got it or where and etc.
but why did he get it??


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He was a confederate general during Civil War

I just don't know why his nickname was Stonewall. That's all i need to know about but i need to do a 2 page project on it???
Maybe i can say how he got it or where and etc.
but why did he get it??


He got the nickname at the first major battle of the Civil War---Manassas aka Bull Run. The North was starting to push the Confederates back, but Jackson's line held firm.

When General Bee tried to rally his men from retreating he pointed to Jackson and said "Look, there stands Jackson like a stone wall. Let us determine to die here, and we will conquer. Now rally around the Virginians boys".

Then the south sent the Yankees running, and won the first battle.

There's some info about how he gained the name here:

It seems like there's also some dispute about whether it was meant to be an insult or a compliment...i.e., a "strong" wall or a wall that wouldn't move to come help. You could try to make a paper out of that!