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Question:how many did the jack the ripper kills harlots?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how many did the jack the ripper kills harlots?

In the three years stretching from 1888 to 1891, over a dozen unsolved murders occurred in the Whitechapel district and surrounding areas. As a result, the number and names of the Ripper's victims are the subject of frequent and continued debate. The original police investigation focused on eleven murders, of which five are generally accepted within the "Ripperology" community as almost certainly having been victims of the same serial killer. In addition, at least seven other murders and violent attacks have been connected with Jack the Ripper by various authors and historians.

The "Whitechapel Murders"
Files kept by the Metropolitan police show that the police investigation begun in 1888 eventually came to encompass eleven separate murders stretching from April 3, 1888, until February 13, 1891, known in the police docket as "the Whitechapel Murders." Among the eleven murders actively investigated by the police, five are almost universally agreed upon as having been the work of a single serial killer. These are known collectively as the canonical five victims of Jack the Ripper.

7-10 something in that area

Jack the Ripper:
1880s British murderer. He was the notorious unknown killer of six prostitutes in London’s East End between August and November 1888.

All the murders took place in an area of 3 sq km (1 sq mi) in London’s East End.

Despite intensive investigations by Scotland Yard , London’s metropolitan police, the identity of Jack the Ripper has never been determined—or at least revealed by British authorities. Over the years many professional and amateur sleuths have put forth various suspects.

5 known murders are officially related to him, and some others may also be linked, but not for sure.