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What were the main reasons thesecond world war started?THANKS

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What were the main reasons thesecond world war started?THANKS

you could say that the war in Europe was caused by the German invasion of Poland

The political status quo in Europe established by The Treaty of Versailles 1920 and the world economic state at that time are two essential reasons. Also consider Germany’s wounded pride (which is an aspect of the Versailles point).

In September, 1939, Hitler invaded Poland and continued to invade other European countries to reach his goal of ruling Europe, having Germany as the super military power and super race, and wiping out the Jews (plus other minorities he felt sullied the race).

Here's a good site to check out. Lots of info.

I think:
Because Hitler doesn't want to leave Poland.
The French and English government declared war with Germany.

The cause was the German invasion of Poland and it was extended by the German invasion of Russia and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and rapid invasions of south-east asian countries.
The German persecution of the Jews was not a cause nor was the Treaty of Versailles though Hitler used it as part of his propaganda machine. It is absurd to suggest that the Treaty justified seizures of territories that had never been part of pre-1914 Germany.