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Position:Home>History> What actually happened to the Ottoman Empire, it was ruled peacefully for hundre

Question:They fall because they hesitated to use technologies at that time thus, made them weak and finaly lose from the east-europe countries, like Austria who had the technologies.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: They fall because they hesitated to use technologies at that time thus, made them weak and finaly lose from the east-europe countries, like Austria who had the technologies.

hope this helps.

It fell apart after WWI-many of the subject states broke awaya and became mandated to Britain and France eg Arabia, Transjordan etc. The European states that were once part of the empire ahd been struggling for indepence for a long time and many became countries again, eg Greece.

The rump of the Empire became modern Turkey. During the war a group of pretty much took over from the Sultan and ran the empire (the Young Turks). After the war, a leader emerged and modernised the country, radically changing the face of the very archaic and mainly agricultural old empire, Mustapha Kemel. He took on the name Ataturk, meaning father of the Turks. For example he changed the script to roman style characters, promoted literacy and most importantly seperated the powers of church and state to create a strongly secular democratic republic.