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Position:Home>History> What object can represent history?

Question:hey guys
i need some help
what object or shape can be used to describe? what is the best? and please provide reasons for it
thanks you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hey guys
i need some help
what object or shape can be used to describe? what is the best? and please provide reasons for it
thanks you

A circle. Sybolizes the cyclical nature of history?

I don't know if you actually have to come up with a physical object or not, but if not then you could also say an only partially written book, symbolizing the fact that what has already happened has been written, but the future is still a blank page.

Or a piece of gold or currency... it's been the driving force of most of humanity for eons. Similarly you could draw a logo or something of three G's. Gold, Glory, God: Again, the three main driving factors of humanity for eons.

Or a bottle of beer.. As Homer Simpson once said "It's the cause of and solution to all of life's problems." I probably wouldn't use that as your project though.

If history is cyclical, the future doesn't seem like it's going to be a blank page. Report It

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  • Christian H's Avatar by Christian H
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  • a big clock

    I would go with the double helix. It is the shape of DNA, without that we have no history.

    I would use a map. I suppose the best thing about a map, as it relates to history, is that you can use several themes on your map. If you were talking about ancient civilizations, you could indicate them all on a map.

    Another theme could be historic disasters.

    Explorers are another great theme. You could use a map to track their progress and courses over time.

    I would suggest what's best about a map is that we have a snapshot of many historic events on a worldwide scale.

    An old fashioned egg timer.