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Position:Home>History> What did John Calhoun have to do with the nullification crisis?


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At the height of the “Era of Good Feeling” the national government of the United States had introduced many things. One of the items proposed during this time was a series of tariffs from 1814 to 1832. These tariffs served as protective tariffs and were passed very much to the credit of John C. Calhoun. Although Calhoun supported and pushed for the passing of the tariff, the people of his home state did not exactly have the same views as Calhoun. South Carolina being a southern state that depended on slavery and cotton agriculture like most of the south saw the tariff in a different view than the politician from their state as well as those from other regions of the United States. As the tariff issue began to become the main focus of South Carolina politics as well as the blame for less success in the cotton and other agricultural business, Calhoun started to recognize the problem that it had presented. Calhoun did not jump to oppose the tariff, but strong encouragement from state and local politicians within South Carolina brought Calhoun to be the leader in opposing the tariff. Although Calhoun was not the original opposition to the tariff, the idea of nullification presented in the South Carolina Exposition and Protest was the sole idea of John C. Calhoun. Nullification being the individual idea of Calhoun raises some important questions. One of those questions is; South Carolina as a whole opposed the idea of the tariff, but did they support John C. Calhoun’s idea of nullification? This is a very interesting question and has answers. The lowcountry support for the idea was widespread because of its dependence on the plantation system, but the upstate and those living there did not have that dependence. The idea of nullification as well as the view of Calhoun faced much more criticism and objection as well as a lack of interest in the upstate.

I honestly don't know ANYTHING about this, but there looks to be a good summary here:

Hope you find something that helps you there.