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Position:Home>History> Who was the most evil figure in History?

Question:Most evil to ever live? Ruler?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Most evil to ever live? Ruler?

Evil is relative and I can only assume that you mean "evil" in a general, western sense.
People might say Hitler and that is only because popular culture tells you that. How about Saladin who sacked Jerusalem? Or the Ottoman Emperor that unleashed a Genocidic war against the Armenians.
To ask who is the most evil is not something that can be answered straight away. to whites, Columbus was a hero, but to Natives, Columbus erased the Taino, Arawaks and Caribs off the face of the earth. Most think that Einstein was a hero, but he helped unleash on of the worst evils man has known, Atomic energy as a weapon of mass destruction. How far back in history does one have to go to pick the most evil? And what constitutes evil? Mass killing, bad intent, or the time that the figure lived. In the West we uplift Julius Ceasar, and overlook that he massacred the Gauls. You see?

So far Hitler.


Adolph Hitler. I hope that pr*ck likes fire cuz he's burning in the deepest depths of hell.

Hitler.. dead :D

either hitler or genghis khan

Not Hitler, he was intelligent.

I would say communist dictators where waaaaaaaay more evil than fascist dictators.

So I say Mao, Lenin and Stalin.

who knows, maybe he or she isn't even in recorded history.

any of the russian czars

stalin, lenin , hitler, mao
but hiltler is the most popular

I'd say Hitler, with Elizabeth Bathory coming in a close second.

henry viii

Pol Pot. Read up on the Khmer Rouge. Even babies were tortured to death. Hitler was a madman, Pol Pot was a blood thirsty maniac, killed literally 25% of Cambodias population

George W. Bushleeg, followed by his boss Cheney, then Stalin, then Hitler.

I'm with jessicamofessica. It's probably nobody you ever heard of. Hitler and his ilk were not only evil, but in a position to do tremendous damage.

There's probably some jerk somewhere who'd do worse given the opportunity, but they've just never had the chance.

Stalin killed 2 to 3 times more people than Hitler.

Definitly Hitler, no doubt about it..... ask the Jews.

I believe Hitler is the worst figure in history. He killed millions of people even though he was a Jew himself. He thought Jews were the scum of the Earth. But he was wrong. He is the scum of the Earth. I'm not Jewish, but if I was I would be pretty proud of my religion, wouldn't you be?

Josef Mengele was- a German SS officer and a physician in the German Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. He gained notoriety chiefly for being one of the SS physicians who supervised the selection of arriving transports of prisoners, determining who was to be killed and who was to become a forced labourer, and for performing human experiments on camp inmates, amongst whom Mengele was known as the Angel of Death.His identity was confirmed by forensic experts from UNICAMP (Campinas University) using DNA testing on his remains

1. Josef Stalin.... Read about him. You will understand true evil

It's really subjective. But if I had to choose, it would be Dick Cheney.

I would also say Hitler.