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Position:Home>History> What people in history do you find fascinating?

Question:In history we have to do this project called a shataqua were we become a person and then tell about them in class.
I need some interesting people to be.
The person must be born outside of the United States and born before 1945. Also they need to have a biography about them that I can buy.

Any suggestions?

Thanks :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In history we have to do this project called a shataqua were we become a person and then tell about them in class.
I need some interesting people to be.
The person must be born outside of the United States and born before 1945. Also they need to have a biography about them that I can buy.

Any suggestions?

Thanks :)

Queen Elizabeth 1

Queen Victoria

Suleyman the Magnificent


Frederick the Great, Prussian King and Emperor


King John (Magna Charta)

Armenius of Germania

Genghis Khan

Queen Candice of Ethiopia

Cleopatra (nuts - but interesting)

Leif Erikson

Tsaritsa Alexandra Romanov of Russia...
Favorite granddaughter of Queen Victoria - amazing love story, wealth beyond imagination (Faberge eggs were designed as gifts for the Romanov family), madness (Rasputin was her closest advisor), intrigue, a very tragic ending, and the costume for class would be awesome!

I like this question!
I would suggest the following:
Jimmy Paige (Led Zepplin)
Hua Mulan
Aleister Crowley (just wow)
Lewis Carroll(<-- a ot on him)

Hope that helped :)

Queen Tamar of Geogia is always interesting or her nephew Alexios I though really any of the Komnenos family is interesting.

Zoroaster is another interesting person. He did found a religion which was the major one in Persia for awhile.

Really depends on what locations and time periods you enjoy too.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Adolf Hitler is fascinating in a bad way.

Napoleon Bonaparte.
Julius Caesar
Alexander the Great