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Position:Home>History> Where can i get the best info and pics about the holocaust?

Question:The single best resource is in Israel:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The single best resource is in Israel:

Forget about it. It's better off knowing less than more. The truths always hurt.

There have been several holocausts in mankind's history.

I assume by your question that you refer to the Jewish holocaust of WW2. If my assumption is correct, you should also appreciate that there are also a number of differing perspectives on the treatment of Jewish people, and others who did not fit the Aryan profile of Nazi Germany during WW2.

The best Jewish perspective I can suggest would be the Simon Wiesenthal organization. You can google them and find some great information about their resources and museum.

Hope this helps.

You can always use Google to your advantage.


Try this one above ;))