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Question:discuss at least two causes or reasons why the u.s. refused to join the League of nations .

2) what effects did this have on the future of the League of Nations? describe at least two effects.

thank u i really need this answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: discuss at least two causes or reasons why the u.s. refused to join the League of nations .

2) what effects did this have on the future of the League of Nations? describe at least two effects.

thank u i really need this answer.

1) Idea of interventions in Europe was highly unpopular by majority of US people, especially after learning the number of American death tolls in WWI. Since US government relied on check-and-balance system, legislative branch of US government refused to allow US government to get involve with foreign affairs until Pearl Harbour was raided by Empire of Japan.

As well, United States was suffering economical crisis known as Great Depression, which quickly affected much of the developed world. (With exception of USSR, where their economy was very independent from outside world compared to other nations) US government tried to impose tariffs and other economical barriers to save their economy... and hence effectively limiting US influence over European affairs.

2) USA's policy of isolation severely weakened the League of Nations. The 4 major powers, Great Britain and France, was still relying on Balance of Power technique to perserve order of Europe... a mistake that US president Wilson tried to avoid by trying to get USA involved in Treaty of Versaille. Italy was only using their power for their ambition, especially in the divided Central Europe and North Africa to expand their land. (In the end, Italy cooperated with Hitler in hope of creating a grand Roman Empire) Empire of Japan quickly left the League, when their military occupation of Manchuria (Northern China) was condemned.

Another notable effect is how USA tried to meet their economical interests ahead of world peace. An example of this is Abyssinian Crisis. When Italy attacked sovereign nation of Abyssinia (Now known as Ethiopia), the League of Nations tried to impose economical sanction against Italy. US, noting Italian economy is in shortage of goods, offered to trade everything Italians needed and hence, totally ignorning the League's sanction. (US exported great deal of military arms prior to WWII, since their mass produced weapon-goods needed to be cleared off). And when this sanction failed, the ineffectiveness of the League was evident... something that Japanese and Germans took advantage of.

the U.S. refused to joined the league of nation because...
1) some believed it would drag the U.S. into future foreign wars
2)it would cause another world war if all these nations agreed to help out one another in trouble.

the effects depends, because the refusal for joining the lague of nations led to hitlser's power and over all world war II (i'm not so sure about this though)

good luck!