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Position:Home>History> Assassinated/Unnatural Death Leaders- 10pts to best answer!?

Question:This is for an English Project...I need pictures of important people who have been assassinated or unnaturally died. It had to impact a bounch of their followers...

Please don't tell me MLK, jr. Princess Diana, Bhutto or any US president...I have them

I do choose best answer

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is for an English Project...I need pictures of important people who have been assassinated or unnaturally died. It had to impact a bounch of their followers...

Please don't tell me MLK, jr. Princess Diana, Bhutto or any US president...I have them

I do choose best answer

Alexander II
Malcom X
Huey Long
Medgar Evars
Julius Caesar
Shaka Zulu
Jesse James
Leon Trotsky
Adolph Hitler (unsucessful short term but drove in to paranoia long term that made Hilter kill all of his competient generals and a major factor in the defeat of the axis powers)


how about francis ferdinand? he was the austrian leader who was assassinated, which basically triggered the start of WWI.

and how about bobby kennedy? killed at same time as MLK Jr.

also, hitler killed himself, if that means anything.

By unnatural means, can you include suicide? I'm not sure of the exact specifications of your assignment, but consider Nero, the ancient Roman emperor.

Four years after a fire destroyed half of Rome, revolts led Nero to kill himself. He considered himself an artist, dying with the words: "What an artist the world is losing in me!".

Needless to say, Nero was a bit unstable. He blamed the Christians for the destructive fire, but the senate blamed Nero. The impact to his followers was purely negative. Nero's memory was cursed right after his death. He was emperor from A.D. 54 to A.D. 68.

mahatma gandi