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Position:Home>History> Name at least one positive thing about Hitler?

Question:Hitler loved Germany.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hitler loved Germany.

He's dead!

Just kidding, sort of... his ART! He was a great artist. He drew alot of different art, from animals, to roses to people... amazing!
That's about it!

He had some nice boots!

.......................he stood up for his religion? now i feel as if i sinned saying that....

He wasn't a bad painter. He actually applied to art school when he was young--didn't get in.

Oh, and he had good taste in music.

He didn't drink

He was clean-shaven.

He was an incredible public speaker, and because of this he was able to gain control of the masses relatively easy, even though in hindsight his ideas were ludicrous.

As a mortal human being, he demonstrated that we are by nature evil and can harness awe-inspiring forces of destruction and death - - he evoked a powerful response on behalf of the Allied nations that kept his Third Reich from full realization.

he wanted to rule the world

well one thing positive about hitler is.........................................
this going to take a while...............................
oh here is one.
the way his speech was,
he convinced so many innocent people that they were better than the jews and they killed all of them.
only if he used his powers for good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was very intelligent. He might have ruled the world if he had read a little bit of history.

He did manage to put people back to work, and I refer only to the arms industry, and public works projects, which put Germans back on a payroll during the Depression.

That's strictly a short term "positive". In the end, he also sent the sons of those machinists and laborers off to be slaughtered in an un-winnable war.

He was a very talented orator-compelling, passionate, emotive-a perfect demagogue!

He's dead.

He ended the depression of the 1920s and 1930s in Germany.

Actually there a number of positive things that can be said about Hitler. First, he was a wonderful public speaker. He had the tongue of the devil in that he could persuade audiences to believe what he believed in. Secondly, He was an artist. He loved to paint. He also love classical music especially Wagner. Fourth, he had a vision. You may not agree with that vision but nevertheless he had a vision of what he wanted to do. Fifth, He was an excellent military strategist. Like it or not he was good. This should be enough to get you started. Good luck

Throughout his life, he was able to efficiently convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.