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Position:Home>History> Based on this site, was America's annexation of Texas justified?


Based on this site, was America's annexation of Texas justified? Or was it not justified? Why?

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Based on this site, was America's annexation of Texas justified? Or was it not justified? Why?

Justified?, it was requested, and agreed to by Texans(many times to our regret). therefore I really don't understand your question.
the nonsense (and there is a lot of it ) in the article you provided doesn't help you really understand what happened. slavery was not at issue. Cotton was not a big crop at the time and wasn't until long after the revolution.
Read Lone Star, A Texas history book by Fehrenbach. Never put any faith in an author of history that calls David Crockett Davy, Davy is an invention of Walt Disney. I doubt anyone would have ever called him that more than once to his face.
Read the names on the San Jacinto monument, read the names of the soldiers at Goliad, and the Alamo. There are a lot of Spanish surnames there. The names of the the people that met at Washington-on -the Brazos etc

I am from Poland but I seem to remember that Texas was not annexed by the US. Texas rebelled against Mexico and won- then declared independence. It remained an independent country for several years and was then asked to join the US. I even heard that the Texas legislators argued so much on the issue that the US decided to withdraw the offer- and almost did.

In any case the Texans joined the US of their own free will- no annexation