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Position:Home>History> Looking for where a governor lived.?

Question:Someone I know thinks they now own a house that Governor Louis Jefferson Brann lived in (in Maine). She wants me to find out if it is true. Any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Someone I know thinks they now own a house that Governor Louis Jefferson Brann lived in (in Maine). She wants me to find out if it is true. Any ideas?

Oh that's an EASY one!
Don't bother with the work!
Tell her to call the local Historical Society!
They already know if he or someone in his family lived in that home!
God, they know everything about everything historical, especially the life and homes for politicians!

Check the public records at City Hall. This info shouldn't be to hard track down. Do a bio search of Governor Louis Jefferson Brann and see what comes up.


have you tried doing a person-look-up. Or contact the goverment itself, they should know. It is all public info.

Maine Governor Louis Jefferson Brann

Born: July 6, 1876
Died: February 3, 1948
Birth State: Maine
Party: Democratic
Family: Married Martha J. Cobb; four children
Religion: Christian Scientist
School(s): University of Maine
Periods in Office: From: January 4, 1933
To: January 6, 1937

do a title search at your local records department and search the history of the property.