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Question:what was the immediate cause and what were the underlying causes of the haymarket riot?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what was the immediate cause and what were the underlying causes of the haymarket riot?

Workers at the McCormick International Harvester Company went on strike in May 1886. The Chicago police supported the owners of the company and in trying to break up the strike they killed four workers. The workers were striking for better wages and working conditions. The owners convinced the public that the workers were a threat to the social and political ideals of America. Americans were being told, at this time, that Unions were attempting to set up "utopias" and were led by anarchists or anti-American foreigners, or socialists.
A group of anarchists held a rally in support of the strikers at Haymarket Square, on May 4. Speeches were given in support of the strike but no violence occurred until the police arrived and ordered the rally to end. Someone took that opportunity to throw a bomb into the crowd killing seven policemen and wounding 67 others. The police opened fire and four workers were killed.

Use yahoo search to type in Haymarket riot & you'll get your answer!
8 hour work period, workers killed, bomb tossed at police, etc.