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Position:Home>History> I Protest!?

Question:The Saw movies are too gruesome, and I protest against seeing them. There is a thin line between movie enjoyment, and movie torture. Who else thinks that the Saw movies are utterly un-civil?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The Saw movies are too gruesome, and I protest against seeing them. There is a thin line between movie enjoyment, and movie torture. Who else thinks that the Saw movies are utterly un-civil?

I so agree with you! They are revolting and repulsive. They aren't entertainment, they're sadism.

Ah, isn't America great. If you don't like something you don't have to watch. What an idea. Just think if you lived somewhere else you might have to sit through such gruesome things as the Saw movies.

your question is in the wrong section there! lol! and i agree they are really kinda of gross but in a strange way enjoyable!

~I find the rantings from pulpits and the raving from neocon bigots to be offensive to the point of profane. On the other hand, I support their right to say it. You could always do what I do: if you don't like it, don't watch. I'm sure you don't want me censoring your library anymore than I want you censoring mine. Isn't that what the First Amendment is all about?

I wouldn't see any of them, as they come off as inane and unnecessary. But what does this have to does with History?